Monday, May 9, 2022

Defiant Weaponry

 On my primary Bridge Commander install, I'm coming up against a problem of the Defiant mod I use having too many weapons.  There's a creative alteration for the Remastered version, but even that isn't adequate.

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

UFP Energy Weapon Rough Draft

Phaser SetMaxDamage can and should vary between Federation ship classes.  Even between two ship classes that shared a type or class or model of phaser emplacement, one can readily imagine that reactor differences and other factors like year of manufacture would change the final yield of the phaser emitter.   The addition or subtraction of simple components (such as an anodyne relay) can have significant effect on weapon output.

Of course, we also bump into the matter of stripped phaser arrays. 

Comparison to TNG Ships Realistic Balanced Hardpoints

So I came across the "TNG Ships Realistic Balanced Hardpoints" and did a quick comparison against my hull numbers.   Suffice it to say, I like mine a whole lot better.   More detail after the jump . . .